Saturday, May 18, 2013

Session 4 : Subject of International Trade Law

*3 Huge Subjects in the International Trade Law :
  • Nation, Because it have sovereignty.(have rights to control and decided all about that have connections with law itself) 
  • Organizations Trade International, 
    • Organizations that have built by government(UNCITRAL,UNCTAD,WTO)
    • Organizations that haven`t built by government,means have built by association of people that want to change the conditions of trade world (ICC)
  • Individuals
    • Individual
    • Corporations, like Bank, Multinational Corporations,National Corporations,Etc.

Immunity of nations have restrictions itself:
  • Restrictions by International Law
  • Restrictions by National Law
  • Restrictions in voluntary and quietly
  • The conditions that nation decide the arbritation as dispute resolutions, and that time the immunity have  took off 
Standard International, All kind of things that needed for join International Economics Trade:
  • Minimum-Standard/Equitable Treatment refers to basic rules that needed for International Trade.
  • Most-Favoured Nation Clause refers to rules that lead the nation do non-discrimination act to other nations, with same level attentions with one another.
  • Equal Treatment refers to when the nation required to give same attentions to all nations that under agreements.
  • Preferential Treatment refers to principal that nation can give special attention to one of all nations.

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